Wastewater Lining: Tauranga Wastewater Lining Renewals

Project Details:

Client: Tauranga City Council

Commenced: September 2022

Completed: January 2023

Engineer: James Rooney

Main Contractor: New Zealand Lining Limited

Value: $672,627.98

The client required the rehabilitation of approx. 1200m of various diameter wastewater pipes around the Strand, 15th Avenue & Taiaho Place in Tauranga City including the sealing of the lateral sealing and rehabilitation of the wastewater.

Project Scope:

+ CIPP Lining of 150- 225diameter wastewater pipes including wastewater pipes on the sea offshore.

+ Some of the project work was in a very environmentally sensitive area with difficult access to the manholes especially in the sea offshore.

Project Outcome:

+ The work was completed on time and below budget and to the client’s satisfaction.

+ There were no environmental incidents or lost time injuries.


Te Manga